Wednesday, May 12, 2010

T.V Programs

Years ago, there weren’t many televisions in peoples’ home. Nowadays, however, all people use television in their lives.

Using television is essential during the life. People are divided into many types in watching T.V. The old people like watching world news which gives them new details about the peace and wars all over the world. Additionally, the young people like watching sport, like football and movies like cinema movies. From that channel, they know about the result of football teams in the world and more about information about sport. Also, they get new stories from movies which help them to think more about what will go on in the world. The last thing is the children; they like cartoons and learn many things from them such as shapes, numbers, and names of many things that they see.

On the other hand, T.V has many negative effects on people and many places using T.V during their lives. When old people use T.V during their time, they don’t pay attention to their children. Also the adults learn many things that are not good for them to know in this age such as bad action, behavior from movies. Finally children are more affected than the others. At their age, they watch T.V a long time which affects their eyes and they learn from cartoons many things that support them to jump from buildings, use a knife and so on.

In summary, people can watch T.V but they should be careful which programs they and their children watch.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A woman's role

Is a woman’s proper role in society to pursue a career or to be a mother and wife?

Traditionally a woman’s role has been as a mother and wife. However, more and more women worldwide are being educated to a high level and are pursuing careers. Does this pose a threat to the upbringing of young children and to social stability?

There are many reasons why a woman should be at home to look after her children. Children need their mother’s love and attention. A mother substitute, like a maid, however caring, cannot provide the same emotional support that a child needs. In addition, a maid may not speak the child’s language and there may well be cultural differences. A mother plays a crucial role in developing her child’s language and cultural awareness. Even worse, if there is no mother and no maid at home, children will feel neglected.

On the other hand, women have an important role to play in society. If intelligent women want to pursue careers, why should they not have the same opportunity to do so as men? Women have a lot to offer to society, which would be poorer if they couldn’t do so. In the West, it is generally accepted that women have the choice of whether to pursue a career or not. Of course there are more traditional societies where this is more difficult.

In an ideal world, a woman should be able to pursue a career and also have time to bring up a family, but it’s not an easy task to get the balance right.